Pastor's Beliefs
Pastor Preece has been ordained in the Lutheran Church Missori Synod. Therefore Pastor adheres to the beliefs proclaimed by the LCMS. This includes:
- Scripture Alone: The Bible is the infallible Word of God and the sole source of Christian doctrine.
- Grace Alone: Salvation is a free gift from God, not earned by human effort.
- Faith Alone: Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to receive salvation.
- Christ Alone: Jesus is the sole mediator between God and humanity; salvation comes through His death and resurrection.
- Sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion are means of grace through which God forgives sins and strengthens faith.
- Trinity: One God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Original Sin: All humans are born sinful and need God’s grace for salvation.
- Justification: Believers are justified (made righteous) by faith in Christ alone.
- Good Works: While not a means to salvation, good works naturally flow from genuine faith.
- The Church: The true Church is made up of all believers, centered on the Word and Sacraments.
- End Times: Christ will return to judge all, and believers will inherit eternal life.
- Confessions: LCMS adheres to the Lutheran Confessions as faithful interpretations of Scripture.
- Sanctity of Life: Life is sacred from conception to natural death.
- Marriage: Marriage is between one man and one woman for life, rejecting same-sex unions.